City League Update - Jan 25 Night
Hello City Leaguers! Ready for the third night of the winter league?
January 25 (Session #3)
7:40-8:25 Team 2 vs. Team 3
8:25 Skill Session
8:40-9:25 Team 1 vs. Team 4
The Theme of This Week: 'passing'
Here a few tips that make a great passer:
-The 'catch-ability' of a pass.
-Knowing who you are passing to.
Frick Fact of the week: there will be a Tim Frick trivia question posted on the white board each week and you have a week to respond with the correct answer. Those who provide a correct answer will be put in a 'pot' for a chance to win the grand prize at the end of the season!
Team Spirit Award points: starting this week, team's have the chance to win spirit award points. Examples of how to earn spirit award points:
-Lots of enthusiasm
-Positive feedback
-Team cheers
-Uniform 'additions'....feel free to dress it up:) ....put your thinking caps on and be creative!
See you all at the gym!